i am absolutely insane about Harry Potter. i know almost everything about it, and have read every book at least five times each. my favorite book is the Deathly Hallows, and my favorite movie is the Chamber of Secrets. i am absolutely going insane. i can't wait until the middle of July to see Part 2 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and if i have to wait, i'm going to E-X-P-L-O-D-E!!!!!!!!!! IT WILL BE TORTURE!!!!!!
on second thought, IT IS TORTURE!!!! =( (EXTREME SAD FACE) is there anyone else out there that is waiting for the second part of the Deathly Hallows? because i think that it should come out about this time instead of in six months from the debut of the first part, because people would have forgotten what happened in the first half of the movie!!!! (i think that sucks) only if they read the book (which i am currently reading for the tenth time) would they remember the first part of the movie (except for the fact that the movies are always different from the books and thats what makes them always cool to watch even if you've read the books a zillion times). so, my point being, that they should bring the second part out about four months after the first one is shown in theaters, that gives people enough time to see the first one all they want, then they can see the second one and everyone's happy.
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