wow do i ever have a lot to tell you. i went to a dance and met one of my friend's cousin. his name is Ammon, he's Hawaiian, and he has blue braces! and he likes lighting stuff on fire. that is cool. my other friend's mom, Liz, completely embarrassed Ammon in front of everyone at the dance. she took the mike, called Ammon up to the front, and told everyone Ammon had been rejected three times by three different girls that night!!! sadly, it was true. while me and Liz's son Brandon were trying to make Ammon feel better, Liz and Ammon's aunt Kirsten rallied up a flock of girls to crowd around Ammon and try to get him to dance with them. when i saw him again he was looking distressed and was drinking water in the kitchen. i really didn't want to make him feel bad, so i told him that he and i were dancing. he could choose the song, but we were dancing. then we left the kitchen coincidentally, right when a slow song was playing, so we danced. and i gave him my e-mail. and now he has a good memory from that really suckish dance.
the dance really did suck. the deejay did not do a good job at picking songs, the snacks were, well, not the greatest, and there was hardly anyone there. and it was in Duncan. and the Moore boys weren't there. so, yeah. the dance sucked.but i made a new friend! the one good thing about that night!
blue braces rule!
and salt spring is in charge of the october dance. we are planning to make it a Harry Potter themed one. it will be awesome and i am going as Luna Lovegood! i plan to dye my hair a light blond for it. did you know my hair is now almost brown?!? yikes!